Ankersen vol. 1

THANK YOU to Annette Hafstrøm reflections on the topic, it touches me deep in the heart ...

THANKS for all emails sent to me on the subject - so beautiful with dialogue and "mark for " ...

Back to more about the hunt for the thread ...

Is there an explanation for relapses formation and length? Is there ALWAYS a link between mega stressful periods in life and a relapse? Coming attaksene as randomized or is there an encoding in the brains of multiple sclerosis patients ATTACK / attack, when it is spring, summer, autumn or winter? Or Monday, Tuesday or Sunday?
Or is the choice of clothes, yellow pants and red shirt and ribbons in your hair? Or is it the food we eat? Or is the moon's constellation?
Or is it fate?
Is it God who has a hand in the game?

Can you make head or tail in your relapse??

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accept af MS

Accept af sclerose.

Accept af sclerose ?!?!?!?! Det er altid svært at tale om, og gøre, og føle.Har du accepteret at du har sclerose… ?Det er et emne