Banebrydende metode kan afsløre sclerose i urinen

Banebrydende metode kan afsløre sclerose i urinen Danske forskere har udviklet en ny metode, der kan diagnosticere sygdommen sclerose gennem en urinprøve i stedet for en rygmarvsprøve. En simpel test hos din egen læge kan i fremtiden afsløre, om du lider af sclerose. Som de første har forskere på Odense Universitetshospital og Syddansk Universitet udviklet

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B-cells ‘responsible for MS activity’ identified (12/11/15)

B-cells ‘responsible for MS activity’ identified (12/11/15) A study from researchers at McGill University in Canada claims to provide new insight into the role of B cells and their complex interaction with other immune cells in the context of MS. The team state that their findings hold great potential for the development of the next

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Chokolade kan reducere fatigue for scleroseramte

Chocolate could reduce MS fatigue, scientists say (17/11/15) Researchers are looking to see whether chocolate can reduce fatigue – one of the most common symptoms in people living with MS. In the study, MS society-funded experts will give subjects a hot chocolate drink rich in flavonoids, which are believed to help reduce inflammation. Forty people

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Myelin Damage Caused by MS Could be Slowed, Prevented by Protein

A new study has shown that a protein called TREM2 may inhibit microglial repair of damaged myelin in multiple sclerosis. The study appeared in the Jan. 29 issue of Acta Neuropathologica. MS is characterized by the degeneration of myelin, a fatty coating that insulates nerve cells and helps them transmit impulses. When myelin is damaged, this inhibits communication in

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